You know that great line in that movie Field of Dreams 'If you build it he will come'? Well I have my own version of that 'If it's there, I will eat it'. Not quite as poetic, but true nonetheless. Moderation shmoderation. If chocolate is within walking distance of my sofa, I will eat it all. My advancing years, experience and worldy-wisdom have never helped me out in this area. My default setting for food is stupid.
Which brings me to EASTER - the festival of chocolate. I know there are religious connotations and it's not supposed to be about the food - but excuse me for being a Jewish girl with an historical, ethnic penchant for eating. For me, Easter is about chocolate and the religious experience that the sugary, calorific goodness provides.
This Easter was a little different... as was Pesach. My usual beloved dual-festival of matzo balls and chocolate wreaked fear in the depths of my soul. Not only could I not eat any of the above, but there would be 4 whole days with no gym sessions. Combine this with 24/7 mommy duty and you would be right to expect that this super-motivated, super-inspired girl was heading for imminent disaster. I am proud to say: you are wrong. Yes we did the Easter show. I had 2 strips of chicken, a black coffee and water. Yes I hosted 1st night Passover at my house, I enjoyed a fabulous 2 course dinner with several glasses of champagne... but minimal carbs and no dessert. Yes, we had an extensive Easter Egg hunt in our garden on Sunday morning. I am no means a saint. I had one Cadbury's Cream Egg and a 3 of the other tiny ones... and promptly booked a babysitter for Sunday and Monday afternoon so I could get 2 hours of cardio in. It's ok to indulge, but there have to be consequences or else the scales show you those mean horrible little numbers that you DO NOT WANT TO SEE.
So I lost weight over easter - only 0.6kgs but I think it's the only Easter I've ever lost weight. The massive bag of chocolate eggs is still in my kitchen and I haven't reached for it once. You see I want this goal weight so much that I can taste it. And it tastes better than chocolate.